How to Reduce the Acidity in My Coffee: A Complete Guide

Someone pouring milk into coffee.

Do you love the taste of coffee but often find yourself struggling with acidity? If yes, then you are not alone. Many coffee lovers experience acidity issues after consuming coffee, however, there are ways to reduce the acidity in your coffee and still enjoy the delicious taste.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide, with over 400 billion cups consumed every year. For some people, the high acidity in coffee can cause heartburn, acid reflux and other digestive issues and it can also affect the taste of your coffee and ruin your experience.

How to Reduce the Acidity in My Coffee?

The first and foremost question that comes to mind when we talk about acidity in coffee is how to reduce it and there are quite a few methods and ingredients you can use to help with this.

Method 1: Use Low-Acid Coffee Beans

Using low-acid coffee beans is one of the simplest ways to reduce the acidity in your coffee. These beans are specifically grown to have a lower acidity level than regular coffee beans. Low-acid coffee beans are available in many supermarkets and online stores. Look for beans that are labeled as ‘low-acid’ or ‘acid-free.’ Some popular low-acid coffee beans include Sumatra, Brazilian Santos and Colombian Supremo.

Method 2: Use a Coarser Grind

A coarser grind can also help reduce the acidity in your coffee. When coffee is ground finely, it can cause over-extraction, which leads to a more acidic taste. By using a coarser grind, you can slow down the extraction process and reduce the acidity in your coffee.

Untampered coffee grinds in a coffee machine.

Method 3: Use Cold Water

Using cold water to brew your coffee can also help reduce the acidity. When hot water is used to brew coffee, it can cause the acids in the coffee to be extracted more quickly, resulting in a more acidic taste. By using cold water, you slow down the extraction process and this can result in a smoother, less acidic cup of coffee.

Method 4: Use a French Press

A French press can also help reduce the acidity in your coffee. The metal filter in a French press allows more of the coffee oils to be present in the final cup, which can balance out the acidity. Also, the longer brew time in a French press can also result in a smoother, less acidic cup of coffee.

Method 5: Add Milk or Cream

Adding milk or cream to your coffee can help reduce the acidity as well. The fat in milk or cream can help neutralize the acids in the coffee, resulting in a smoother taste. Be mindful of the type of milk or cream you use, as some can actually increase the acidity in your coffee. Stick to whole milk or heavy cream for best results.

Method 6: Use a Cold Brew Method

Cold brew coffee is less acidic than regular coffee. The cold brewing process involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for several hours, resulting in a smooth and less acidic coffee. You can use a French press, a cold brew maker or even a mason jar to make cold brew coffee.

Method 7: Use a Coffee Filter

Using a coffee filter can help remove some of the acids from your coffee. The filter can trap the acidic oils that cause the bitterness, resulting in a smoother and less acidic coffee. You can use a paper filter or a metal mesh filter, depending on your preference.

Two lattes and an iced coffee touching each other.

Ingredients to Reduce Acidity in Coffee

Apart from the methods mentioned above, there are various ingredients that you can add to your coffee to reduce the acidity.

Ingredient 1: Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a popular spice that can help reduce the acidity in your coffee and it can also add a warm and comforting flavour to your coffee. Simply sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon on top of the coffee grounds before brewing.

Ingredient 2: Salt

Adding a pinch of salt to your coffee can help reduce the bitterness and acidity. Salt is an alkaline substance that can balance the flavours in your coffee and make it taste smoother. Make sure to use salt in moderation, though, as too much can make your coffee taste salty.

Ingredient 3: Eggshells

While this may be a strange one, eggshells are a natural source of calcium carbonate, which can help neutralize the acidity in your coffee. Simply crush a few eggshells and add them to your coffee grounds before brewing.

Ingredient 4: Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder is not only delicious but also effective in reducing the acidity in your coffee. It can add a hint of chocolatey flavour to the drink and can make it taste smoother. Simply add a teaspoon of cocoa powder to your coffee grounds before brewing.

Ingredient 5: Alkaline Water

Another option is to use alkaline water to brew your coffee. Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular water, which can neutralize the acid in your coffee and make it taste smoother.

Ingredient 6: Add Baking Soda

Adding a pinch of baking soda to your coffee can help neutralize the acidity since it is an alkaline substance. Like alkaline water, it can balance the pH level of your coffee and reduce the bitterness.

Coffee beans and a cup of coffee

Tips to Reduce Acidity in Coffee

Apart from using low-acid coffee beans and adding ingredients, there are several other tips that you can follow to reduce the acidity in your coffee.

Tip 1: Drink Coffee in Moderation

Drinking coffee in moderation can help reduce the acidity and other health issues. It is recommended to limit your daily intake to 3-4 cups per day.

Tip 2: Use the Right Brewing Method

It is recommended to use a method that produces less acidic coffee, such as cold brew or French press.

Tip 3: Choose a Lighter Roast

Lighter roasts tend to have a higher acidity level than darker roasts. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a darker roast if you want to reduce the acidity.

Tip 4: Avoid Flavoured Coffee

Flavoured coffee can contain added acids and chemicals that can increase the acidity level, so if you want to reduce acidity, is recommended to avoid flavoured coffee and stick to natural coffee beans.

Tip 5: Drink Water Before and After

Drinking water before and after your coffee can help reduce the acidity and keep you hydrated, so it might help to give this a try.

Acidity in coffee can be a real problem for coffee lovers. By using the methods, ingredients and tips mentioned above, you can reduce the acidity in your coffee and enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable cup of coffee.

Don't let acidity ruin your coffee experience. With a little bit of effort and the right ingredients, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee without any unpleasant side effects. Try these methods today and see the difference for yourself!

A pot of coffee and a coffee cup on a tea towel


  1. What causes acidity in coffee? Acidity in coffee is caused by organic acids, such as chlorogenic acid and quinic acid, that are naturally present in coffee beans.

  2. Can acidity in coffee be harmful to health? Excessive acidity in coffee can cause heartburn, acid reflux and other digestive issues. It is recommended to reduce the acidity in your coffee to avoid these health problems.

  3. Can I use lemon juice to reduce the acidity in my coffee? No, adding lemon juice to your coffee can actually increase the acidity. Lemon juice is acidic and can make your coffee taste sour and bitter.

  4. Is decaf coffee less acidic than regular coffee? Yes, decaf coffee is generally less acidic than regular coffee, however, the exact acidity level can vary depending on the type of beans and the brewing method.

  5. Can I use baking powder instead of baking soda to reduce the acidity in my coffee? No, baking powder contains additional ingredients, such as cornstarch and cream of tartar, that can affect the taste of your coffee. It is recommended to use baking soda instead.

  6. Can I add sugar to reduce the acidity in my coffee? No, adding sugar to your coffee can make it taste sweeter but cannot reduce the acidity.

Remember to follow the tips and use the right ingredients to reduce the acidity in your coffee and enjoy a smooth and delicious cup every time.

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