Unconventional Uses for Coffee That Will Amaze You

Coffee, with its rich aroma and invigorating taste, has long been a beloved beverage enjoyed by people around the world. But did you know that this beloved drink has numerous other interesting uses beyond its role as a morning pick-me-up? From culinary delights to DIY home remedies, coffee has proven to be much more than just a delightful drink.

Let's delve into some unconventional and fascinating uses for coffee that can bring new dimensions to your daily routines.

Coffee can be used in many sweet and savoury recipes

Cooking with Coffee

Coffee is not just for drinking; it can also be a remarkable ingredient in culinary creations. Its robust flavour and aroma can add a delightful twist to both savoury and sweet dishes. Here are a few interesting ways you can incorporate coffee into your cooking:

Infused Flavours

Coffee can add depth and complexity to various dishes. Incorporate coffee grounds or brewed coffee into savoury recipes like marinades, barbecue sauces or chili for an intriguing flavour twist. For example:

Coffee-Rubbed Steak: Create a flavourful crust on your steak by applying a coffee rub before grilling. The combination of the rich coffee flavour and the charred meat creates a tantalising taste experience.

Mocha-Spiced Chili: Elevate your traditional chilli recipe by adding a dash of coffee and cocoa powder. The deep, complex flavours of coffee and chocolate add depth and richness to the dish.

Sweet Treats

Discover the enchanting combination of coffee and dessert. Incorporate coffee into recipes for cakes, cookies and ice creams, enhancing their richness and providing a delightful mocha-infused experience. From tiramisu to coffee-flavoured ice cream, the possibilities for coffee-infused desserts are endless. The bitterness of coffee beautifully balances the sweetness, resulting in a harmonious blend of flavours.

Coffee can be used in scrubs and masks

Coffee in Beauty Regimens

Coffee possesses properties that can work wonders for your skin and hair. Here are a few interesting beauty uses for coffee:

Coffee Scrub: Exfoliate your skin by combining coffee grounds with natural oils and gently massaging it onto your body. This scrub helps remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and rejuvenated.

Coffee Hair Rinse: Rinse your hair with a strong coffee brew to enhance its natural shine and depth. The coffee's antioxidants can also help stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Under-Eye Coffee Mask: Combat puffiness and dark circles by applying a coffee-infused mask under your eyes. The caffeine in the coffee helps constrict blood vessels, reducing swelling and brightening the under-eye area.

Coffee for Cleaning and Household Hacks

When it comes to household cleaning, coffee can be a surprising ally. Here are a few interesting ways you can use coffee for cleaning purposes:

Odour Eliminator

Are unpleasant odours plaguing your home? Coffee can come to the rescue! Its natural ability to absorb strong smells makes it an effective odour neutraliser. Try these interesting uses for coffee as an air freshener:

Coffee Grounds in the Fridge: Place a small bowl of coffee grounds in your refrigerator to eliminate any lingering food odours. The coffee will absorb the smells, leaving your fridge smelling fresh and clean.

Coffee Beans as Potpourri: Fill a decorative bowl with coffee beans and place it in different areas of your home. The beans will release a pleasant coffee aroma, masking unwanted smells.

Coffee Grounds for Hand Deodorisation: After cooking with strong-smelling ingredients like garlic or onions, rub your hands with coffee grounds to neutralise the odour. Rinse with water, and voila! Your hands will be odour-free.

Furniture Scratch Repair

Create a paste using coffee grounds and water, then apply it to scratched wooden furniture. The natural pigments in coffee help darken the scratches, making them less noticeable.

Coffee Grounds as Abrasive Cleaner

Coffee grounds can be used as a gentle abrasive cleaner for stubborn stains on cookware or countertops. The grounds help remove grime without scratching surfaces.

Coffee grounds are incredibly versatile

Coffee in Gardening

Believe it or not, coffee can also work wonders in your garden. Here are a few intriguing ways to utilise coffee grounds in your gardening endeavours:

Compost Enrichment

Coffee grounds are a valuable addition to compost piles. They add nitrogen to the compost, which helps nourish your plants when the compost is used as fertiliser.

Natural Pest Repellent

Some pests, such as slugs and snails, dislike the texture and scent of coffee grounds. Sprinkle coffee grounds around your plants to create a natural barrier that deters these unwanted visitors.

Plant Fertiliser

Diluted coffee can be used as a liquid fertiliser for acid-loving plants like azaleas, rhododendrons, and hydrangeas. The coffee's acidity helps promote healthy growth in these plants.

Coffee's versatility extends far beyond its role as a beloved beverage. From enhancing culinary creations to serving as a natural deodoriser, coffee proves to be a multi-purpose ingredient with intriguing uses in various aspects of our lives. So, the next time you enjoy a cup of coffee, remember its potential to go beyond your morning routine. Experiment with these interesting uses and discover the many hidden talents of this remarkable beverage.


1. Can I use instant coffee for cooking?

Yes, instant coffee can be used in cooking, especially in recipes that call for dissolved coffee. However, for coffee grounds or brewed coffee recipes, it is better to use fresh coffee.

2. Will using coffee grounds as an exfoliating scrub stain my skin?

No, coffee grounds are safe to use as an exfoliating scrub and will not stain your skin, however, it is recommended to use finely ground coffee to avoid any potential skin irritation.

3. Can I use any type of coffee grounds for furniture scratch repair?

Yes, you can use any type of coffee grounds for furniture scratch repair, although,, darker roast coffee grounds tend to provide better results in disguising scratches on dark-coloured wood.

4. How often should I incorporate coffee grounds into my compost pile?

You can add coffee grounds to your compost pile as often as you like. It is beneficial to mix them with other organic materials to maintain a balanced compost.

5. Are there any plants that coffee grounds are not suitable for?

While coffee grounds are generally beneficial for most plants, some plants, such as those that prefer acidic soil conditions, may not tolerate large amounts of coffee grounds. It's best to use coffee grounds in moderation and observe the response of your plants.

6. Can coffee be used as a natural dye?

Absolutely! Coffee can be used to dye fabrics or create an antique look on paper. Steep coffee grounds in hot water, strain the liquid and soak your fabric or paper to achieve the desired effect.

7. Can coffee help reduce cellulite?

While coffee cannot eliminate cellulite entirely, it can temporarily tighten the skin and improve its appearance. Scrubs or creams containing coffee can help stimulate blood flow and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

8. Can coffee grounds be used as a facial exfoliator?

Yes, coffee grounds can be mixed with honey or coconut oil to create a natural facial scrub. Gently massage the mixture onto your face in circular motions to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin.

9. Can coffee remove unwanted odours from hands?

Yes, rubbing your hands with coffee grounds can help neutralise strong odours, such as those from garlic or fish. The abrasive texture of the grounds helps remove the odour-causing substances.

10. Can coffee be used to deter ants?

Yes, ants are repelled by the scent of coffee. Sprinkle coffee grounds near entry points or areas where ants are present to discourage their presence.

Create coffee and cafe recipes at home with easy-to-access and cheap ingredients. Click below to get the recipes!


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