How to make my coffee taste better?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, enjoyed by millions of people every day. While some people enjoy their coffee black, others prefer to add milk, sugar or other flavourings to enhance its taste. However, there are also ways to make coffee taste better without adding anything extra. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and techniques to make your coffee taste better, like those served in cafes.

Coffee on a wooden desk next to a laptop and notepad.

Use Fresh Beans: The quality of your coffee beans has a significant impact on the taste of your coffee. Freshly roasted beans have a fuller, richer flavour than stale ones. When buying coffee beans, look for those with a roast date rather than an expiration date. Ideally, coffee should be used within two weeks of the roast date.

Grind Your Own Beans: If possible, grind your coffee beans just before brewing. This will ensure that the oils and aromas are still intact, resulting in a fresher and more flavourful cup of coffee. A burr grinder is the best type of grinder to use as it produces a consistent grind size. Different brews require different grinds though, but generally, espresso requires a fine grind, pour-over requires a medium grind and French Presses a coarse grind.

Use the Right Amount of Coffee: Using the right amount of coffee is essential for a great-tasting cup. Too little coffee will result in a weak and watery taste, while too much coffee can make it bitter and overpowering. A good rule of thumb is to use two tablespoons of coffee for every six ounces of water but it’s best to use a scale for weighing your coffee as different coffees and blends vary in size and density. This way, you measure by weight rather than volume and know exactly how much is going into your cup.

Use Filtered Water: The quality of the water used to brew coffee can also affect its taste. Considering 98.5% of brewed coffee is water, you want to make sure your water is free of bad tastes or odours. Using filtered water can remove impurities and minerals that can alter the taste of your coffee, so avoid using distilled or softened water as they lack the minerals that contribute to the taste of coffee.

A mug of coffee on an outdoor wooden table with a book.

Brew at the Right Temperature: Brewing coffee at the right temperature can also affect its taste, so the optimal temperature for brewing coffee is between 90–96°C (195–205°F). Temperature affects the speed of extraction as well as what gets extracted. If the water is too hot, it can result in a bitter taste, while if it’s too cold, the coffee will taste weak and flat.

Brew for the Right Amount of Time: The length of time that coffee is brewed can also affect its taste. Over-extraction can make coffee taste bitter, while under-extraction can make it taste weak. The optimal brew time is usually between 4–5 minutes, but this can vary depending on the brewing method and the type of coffee.

Experiment with Different Brewing Methods: Different brewing methods can also produce different flavours in coffee. Experiment with different methods such as pour-over, French press, AeroPress or espresso to find the one that produces the best-tasting coffee for you. Experiment with iced coffee, flavoured coffees with added syrups, mochas, different coffee trends as well as coffees drunk by other cultures around the world. There is so much variety in coffee and part of the fun is simply trying them all.

There are many ways to make coffee taste better without adding anything extra. By following these tips, you should find your morning or midday coffee tasting much better and you will be able to enjoy a delicious and flavourful cup of coffee every time.

Create coffee and cafe recipes at home with easy-to-access and cheap ingredients. Click below to get the recipes!


A quick guide to storing coffee beans


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